Two stalwart men

Pic shows John and Peter Looking out to sea from Doolin Co. Clare

It is still hard to believe that our great friend and mentor, John Glynn is no longer with us, 2 years after his death. He has always seemed to walk beside us in all of Aisling’s endeavours as we continue in our work to return Irish exiles to their homeland. In recent weeks we have also lost Peter Doyle, another old and dear friend who came back to Ireland with Aisling many times over the last 30 years.

Peter was a gentle soul who, like John exuded warmth and goodness despite his tough start in life, when at just 16 he escaped from the St. John of God brothers and came to London. To us at Aisling John Glynn was the real John of God. In 1994 we found Peter in Arlington House where he had been living for over 30 years. Arlington is the rough and ready house in Camden Town which was a was a refuge for thousands of lost Irish souls.

We will be thinking of John and Peter next week at Golders Green Crematorium in North London on Wednesday 28th August at 12.30pm when Peter will be finally laid to rest. Any friend of these two stalwart men will be very welcome to attend.

One more fitting ending will be at the end of September when aisling brings Peter’s ashes to Wicklow to be buried with his mother. We also hope to visit John Glynn’s permanent memorial in Connemara along with another busload of returning Irish exiles. May god rest their souls.