Change of address

Aisling moves on

Aisling has moved to a new address which is at:

Resource for London, 356 Holloway Rd, London N7 6PA. Phone: 020 7697 4203.

I am sure many of you will know the centre which has been a home to many voluntary and charitable organisations for many years. The place is famous for at least one notorious incident when a group who had been attending a Travellers meeting at the centre were barred from the Weatherspoon’s pub next door, including the local bishop and the chief superintendent of police.

Sadly we had to leave our old place on Agar Grove when it was flooded with sewage and infested with flies. Yes you did read that right! It was a sad end for us but a relief to get away in the end. This is a great time to be on the Holloway Rd in the heart of Islington North. As I am writing this Jeremy Corbyn is standing in his long time constituency as an independent MP. As you probably know this was not his choice, being a life-long Labour member but the neighbourhood has responded to his candidacy with enthusiasm and most shops in the area have posters in the windows supporting him and groups of people young and old can be seen on the streets leafleting. There is a buzz here like nowhere else I have seen in London where the election has so far generated little excitement. A bit like England in the Euro’s, very bland and not much imagination or enthusiasm.

As you may imagine we have had a few months of upheaval so we have not had much chance to keep the website up to date but now we are settled we hope to get back doing what we do best, responding to the needs of vulnerable, long term Irish migrants and we’ll keep you all informed about how we are doing just that.