Arlington House Now.

Arlington House hostel. Photo by the late Terry Smith.

Arlington House continues to be a vital resource for the homeless in the London area, providing accommodation for 380 men. Although the character of Camden Town may have changed in recent decades, the need for bedspaces has not diminished.
However, since the [initial] research project was completed in 1997, the number of Irish in the House has declined. Many of the older Irish residents have passed away, including some of the most notable and well liked figures in the hostel. Younger Irishmen, newly arriving in the House, have diverse experiences of migration from their elders; in many ways they are more akin to the UK/European residents.

Other ethnic groups, such as refugees from war-torn Africa, are now moving into the House in substantial numbers, with their own, harrowing, stories to tell, their own culture to try and maintain. Although the Irish retain a highly visible and vital community within the House, their age and their ill health mean that this is now a community in rapid decline.


Profile of a Resident
- Tim Buckley 1918-'98.

The Aisling Project

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